
Where the compass is spinning around software

Gogs and Drone On Kubernetes-ARM - Part 2

Development Kubernetes Docker

This is the second part in a series of posts describing how I have setup Gogs and Drone on Kubernetes-On-ARM cluster. In Part 1 we talked about setting up Gogs.

In this part I’ll explain how to setup service-loadbalancer to expose services outside the cluster.

I’m using Lucas Käldström:s great kubernetes-on-arm project. There’s a load-balancer addon based on kubernetes/contrib/service-loadbalancer that wasn’t ready in the 0.6.3 release.

Before we begin you might take a look at service-loadbalancer.

What I did was to build the service-loadbalancer from the kubernetes/contrib master branch. Once again Lucas have made a great job and created a docker file for building the Kubernetes-ARM binaries on x86.

$ # Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/luxas/kubernetes-on-arm
$ # Build the Docker image
$ cd kubernetes-on-arm/scripts/build-k8s-on-amd64
$ docker build -t build-k8s-on-amd64 .
$ # Create a container
$ docker run --name=build-k8s-on-amd64 build-k8s-on-amd64 true
$ # Copy out the binaries from the container
$ docker cp build-k8s-on-amd64:/output .

The service-loadbalancer binary is located in the output directory. Transfer the file to the nodes that will have the role of load-balancer. e.g.

$ scp ./output/service-loadbalancer \ xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/etc/kubernetes/source/images/kubernetesonarm/_bin/latest

The service-loadbalancer uses a template for creating a ha-proxy.cfg. The template I’m using can be found here: template.cfg On each node build the kubernetesonarm/loadbalancer image.

$ cd /etc/kubernetes/source/images/kubernetesonarm/loadbalancer
$ mv template.cfg template.cfg.org
$ wget wget https://goo.gl/TzvKhX -O template.cfg
$ ./build.sh

Phew… were half way. The Docker image is in place on our nodes. Now we need to label them so that the scheduler can place the service-loadbalancer on the right nodes.

$ kubectl label --overwrite nodes <node name> role=loadbalancer
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME           LABELS                                                  STATUS    AGE
<node name>   kubernetes.io/hostname=<node name>,role=loadbalancer     Ready     2d

Now it’s time to create the loadbalancer. If you wan’t to use https you need to create a secret and mount the volume in your pod template. Here’s my loadbalancer-rc.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: service-loadbalancer
  namespace: kube-system
    app: service-loadbalancer
    version: v1
  replicas: 1
    app: service-loadbalancer
    version: v1
        app: service-loadbalancer
        version: v1
        role: loadbalancer
      - name: ssl-volume
          secretName: kodbasen-ssl-secret
      - image: kubernetesonarm/loadbalancer
            path: /healthz
            port: 8081
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          timeoutSeconds: 5
        name: haproxy
        # All http services
        - containerPort: 80
          hostPort: 80
          protocol: TCP
        # nginx https
        - containerPort: 443
          hostPort: 443
          protocol: TCP
        # mysql
        - containerPort: 3306
          hostPort: 3306
          protocol: TCP
        # haproxy stats
        - containerPort: 1936
          hostPort: 1936
          protocol: TCP
        # gogs ssh
        - containerPort: 2222
          hostPort: 2222
          protocol: TCP
        - name: ssl-volume
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: "/ssl"
        resources: {}
        - --tcp-services=my-gogs-ssh:2222
        - --ssl-cert=/ssl/server.pem
        - --ssl-ca-cert=/ssl/ca.crt

He’re you can see that I’ve exposed the my-gogs-ssh as a TCP service.

Now we’re ready to expose our Gogs service to the outside world. We need to change our Gogs service from Part 1 slightly and add some annotations.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    serviceloadbalancer/lb.sslTerm: "true"
    serviceloadbalancer/lb.host: "gogs.replace.me"
    serviceloadbalancer/lb.cookie-sticky-session: "true"
    app: my-gogs-service
  name: my-gogs-service
  namespace: default
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 3000
    app: my-gogs
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
  • serviceloadbalancer/lb.sslTerm: "true" annotation says that we wan’t to use https
  • serviceloadbalancer/lb.host: "gogs.replace.me" is the virtual host
  • serviceloadbalancer/lb.cookie-sticky-session: "true" enables sticky sessions between your pods (replicas > 1)

If everything is working you should be rewarded with a ha-proxy status page where you can monitor your exposed services. Fire up http://<loadbalancer ip>:1936/ in your favorite browser and take a look.

That is all for now. In the next part we will take a look at the CI tool Drone and how to get it working on our Kubernetes-ARM cluster. Prepare for a journey down the rabbit hole.

8 Feb 2016 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #Raspberry PI #Gogs #Drone