
Where the compass is spinning around software

Minio, simple storage for your cluster

Development Kubernetes Docker Cloud

(updated 2017-03-16)

I’ve been using different volume types for storage in my kubernetes-on-arm cluster. I wrote two posts about it: GlusterFS On Kubernetes ARM and Storage for your cluster a year ago. All solutions adds complexity to the cluster, the one that’s been easiest to handle is nfs. But nfs isn’t transparent enough. I always seems to end up in strange corner cases where it’s not working as expected. The emptyDir volume type let’s you mount an empty directory from the host in to your Pod. But when the Pod goes away, so does your volume, leaving you with nothing.

There is now beta features in Kubernetes v1.5 for StatefulSet and init-containers that got me started thinking. If one could use something like Minio for storage in combination with emptyDir volumes, maybe we could end up with a good enough solution that lowers the technology stack.

The plan was to have an init-container running minio mc to mirror in files from minio server using the mirror command to an emptyDir volume in a pod defined by a StatefulSet. Once the pod is up and running, file changes needs to be mirrored back to the minio server, so that we don’t lose any data. The minio server is also a pod defined by a StatefulSet but uses a nfs persistentVolume for storage.

Minio for simple storage

The plan was to use the mc mirror --watch command for mirroring changes back to the minio server, and that is probably the most suitable solution, but there was a bug in the arm64 version so I had to create a work around. The work around is a simple script that for every # seconds checks for changes and copies them using the mc cp command back to the server.

If you wan’t to try it out your self there’s multiarch images for arm, arm64 and amd64 and a mysql example at volumizr.

Starting minio server

The accessKey and secretKey is only for demo, you should create your own config files using kubectl create secret generic and mount it to your container at /app/config.json.

$ # the minio server expects a persistentVolume of at least 5Gi
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNatureOfSoftware/volumizr/master/minio.yml
service "minio" created
statefulset "minio" created
$ kubectl get pods
minio-0   1/1       Running   0          22s

Once the minio server is started you can access the ui using port-forward:

$ # port-forward to your minio server and create a store0 bucket
$ kubectl port-forward minio-0 9000:9000
Forwarding from -> 9000
Forwarding from [::1]:9000 -> 9000

Now you can login to minio server: http://localhost:9090 and create a bucket named store0.

Starting the mysql example

$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheNatureOfSoftware/volumizr/master/example/mysql-example.yml
service "mysql" created
statefulset "mysql" created
$ kubectl get pods
minio-0   1/1       Running    0          3m
mysql-0   0/2       Init:0/2   0          8s
$ # you can see above, the two init containers has not yet run
$ kubectl get pods
NAME      READY     STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
minio-0   1/1       Running           0          4m
mysql-0   0/2       PodInitializing   0          28s
$ # here you can see the pod is initializing
$ kubectl get pods
minio-0   1/1       Running   0          4m
mysql-0   2/2       Running   0          49s
$ # and finally our mysql database is up and running

If you go back to your minio server: http://localhost:9090 and take a look at the store0 bucket, you should see all mysql files mirrored back.

A closer look whats happening

Here you can se that our mysql example has two init-containers. They are executed in order and the first (setup) mirrors all files to the persistentdata volume. The second container restores the file ownership.

    "name": "volumizr-in",
    "image": "thenatureofsoftware/volumizr:latest",
    "args": ["in", "minio/mysql", "/var/lib/mysql"],
    "volumeMounts": [{
      "mountPath": "/var/lib/mysql",
      "name": "persistentdata"
  "name": "chown",
  "image": "tobi312/rpi-mysql:5.6",
  "command": ["chown", "-R", "mysql:mysql", "/var/lib/mysql"],
  "volumeMounts": [{
    "mountPath": "/var/lib/mysql",
    "name": "persistentdata"

The last pice of the puzzle is the sidecar container to mysql that mirrors changes back:

- image: thenatureofsoftware/volumizr:latest
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  name: volumizr-out
  - out
  - /var/lib/mysql
  - minio/mysql
  - mountPath: "/var/lib/mysql"
    name: persistentdata

To sum up

The solution has it’s pros and cons. The pros are that it uses the nodes local disk when using volume type emptyDir. Once the volume is setup then there should be very few surprises. The problem is of course that you need to mirror everything back and the size of the local disk.

16 Mar 2017 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #Minio #Storage