Development Kubernetes Docker Cloud
This is the final part in a series about setting up Kubernetes on Scaleway.
This final part is about setting up storage for your cluster.
Most of the steps here is already described in an earlier post:
GlusterFS On Kubernetes ARM
that I wrote a couple of month back. You can also find the earlier posts in this
series here:
Part 1
and Part 1 (revisited) and Part 2.
15 Oct 2016 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #GlusterFS #Scaleway
Development Kubernetes Docker Storage
I’ve been working on getting Elasticsearch working on Kubernetes-On-ARM. The
biggest problem has been storage. I’m using Elasticserach for storing logs and
the cluster generates 1.4 million entries per day (i know, need to do
something about it).
12 May 2016 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #Raspberry PI #ARM #NFS #glusterFS #iscsi
I’ve been running my Kubernetes-On-ARM cluster a couple of weeks now and I’ll try to summarize my experiences. If you followed my earlier posts, then you know that I’m running Gogs and Drone on a Kubernetes cluster with GlusterFS for storing. I’m using Kubernetes-On-ARM on HypriotOS.
In this post I will try to summarize my experiences so far.
3 Mar 2016 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #Raspberry PI #GlusterFS #Gogs #Drone #ARM