
Where the compass is spinning around software

ELK cluster on Kubernetes-On-ARM - Part 1

Development Kubernetes Docker ARM Raspberry PI

One of the most important parts of running a cluster is to gain knowledge of whats going on. Using tools like kubectl logs or docker logs is fine if you run one or two nodes, but it soon gets impossible to get an overview of whats going on, and you need to be able to view, query and monitor your logs from one central place.

This blog post is about setting up Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana ELK on Kubernetes-On-ARM. You could question the use of running ELK on an ARM cluster of Raspberry Pi:s, and you are right, it is a bit to heavy. But I use the cluster as a way of learning, and the steps are the same as if you are running on x86_64 or in the cloud. There’s also a bunch of new ARM64 single-board computers on the way, Raspberry Pi 3 being the first.

You can use fluentd instead of logstash but we stick to logstash for now.

Setting up ELK on Kubernetes is nothing new, I’m using Paulo Pires:s kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster and kubernetes-elk-cluster, modified for ARM.

The thing is, how do we collect our container logs and send them to logstash? The first alternative is to use logstash-forwarder but the project has been replaced by filebeat, so that becomes our second alternative. Then I found gliderlabs logspout project and looplab:s logspout-logstash module, which is a third alternative.

If you want to use kubectl logs or docker logs you need to stick to the json-file or journald logging driver in Docker. The json-file driver is rather resource consuming and not a great alternative for production. There’s a logstash plugin for journald that looks promising and I hope to explore the different alternatives in the up coming posts. Using journald for Docker means that we can use the same mechanism for sending logs for hosts and containers.

To summarize what we want to achieve:

We want to collect the logs and collect them as quick as possible, but still be able to use the tools we’re used to like docker logs and kubectl logs.
We’ll see how much of this we can achieve.

But we need to start somewhere, so let’s get started with logstash-forwarder and collect syslog.


First we need to get elasticsearch up and running. I have prepared all necessary docker images so all you need to do is to deploy them to your cluster.

$ # Clone the git repo
$ git clone https://github.com/larmog/kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster.git
$ cd kubernetes-elasticsearch-cluster

Follow Paulo’s instructions to deploy the cluster. I recommend that you wait until each component is provisioned before you deploy the next.

If all went well, you should now have elasticsearch running. You can check the status using this command:

docker run --rm --dns= hypriot/armhf-busybox wget -q -O -  http://elasticsearch:9200/_cluster/health?pretty

Logstash + Kibana

Paulo’s solution uses the Lumberjack secure protocol, and you need generate your own certificate and key for logstash.default.svc.cluster.local. I am using easyrsa3. Make sure that you have valid .key and .crt files. You can of course change your protocol to something other than lumberjack and make the corresponding change in logstash-forwarder. I will show you how to setup lumberjack.

Install Kelsey Hightower:s tool conf2kube. You will need it later.

Create a temp working directory and copy your generated server key and certificate:

$ mkdir logstash-tmp && cd logstash-tmp
$ cp xxx/<filename>.crt .
$ cp xxx/<filename>.key .

Create a logstash.conf file that corresponds to your key and certificate files.

$ echo <<< EOL
input {
  lumberjack {
    port => 5043
    ssl_certificate => "/logstash/certs/<filename>.crt"
    ssl_key => "/logstash/certs/<filename>.key"
    type => "lumberjack"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
EOL >> logstash.conf;

You shold now have three files: <filename>.key <filename>.crt logstash.conf

Create two secrets that will be mounted in the logstash pod (see logstash-controller.yaml).

$ # Create logstash-ssl secret
$ conf2kube -n logstash-ssl -f <filename>.crt | kubectl create -f -
$ kubectl patch secret logstash-ssl -p `conf2kube -n logstash-ssl -f <filename>.key`
$ # Create logstash.conf secret
$ conf2kube -n logstash.conf -f logstash.conf | kubectl create -f -

You should now have two logstash secrets:

$ kubectl get secrets
NAME                        TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
default-token-i5v41         kubernetes.io/service-account-token   2         59d
logstash-ssl                Opaque                                2         1d
logstash.conf               Opaque                                1         1d

Now clone the kubernetes-elk-cluster repo and create the logstash server and kibana controller:

$ git clone https://github.com/larmog/kubernetes-elk-cluster.git
$ cd kubernetes-elk-cluster
$ kubectl create -f service-account.yaml
$ kubectl create -f logstash-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f logstash-controller.yaml
$ kubectl create -f kibana-controller.yaml

Great! You should now have logstash and kibana running!

For you to be able to access kibana, you need to expose the service outside your cluster. I assume that you have used the Kubernetes-On-ARM addon loadbalancer. Kibana doesn’t work with a sub-context so you need to expose kibana as a virtual host.

$ # Run the following command with your Kibana host name.
$ sed -e 's/kibana.kodbasen.org/<hostname>/g' kibana-service.yaml > modified-kibana-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f modified-kibana-service.yaml

If everything has gone according to plan you should see something similar:

$ curl -I http://<hostname>
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
kbn-name: kibana
kbn-version: 4.4.0
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
cache-control: no-cache
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 11:16:37 GMT

Never mind the 400 answer, you can see that Kibana has replied with kbn-name: kibana and kbn-version: 4.4.0. Now try to open Kibana in your favorite browser.

We have covered a lot of ground, and you should give your self a tap on the shoulder. But were not done yet. We have elasticsearch running and logstash waiting for logs to be stored in elastic. Kibana is hanging around waiting for logs to appear in the .kibana index. But we need to start thinking of how to forward logs from our nodes to logstash.

Logstash Forwarder

In this first part we will use logstash-forwarder to collect logs from our nodes and forward them to logstash. In the following parts of this series we will look into other ways. The logstash-forwarder project has been replaced by filebeat but that´s a topic for the next post.

We need to run logstash-forwarder on every node that we wan’t to collect logs from. Kubernetes 1.2 will include daemon sets, which is a great feature for running things on a set of nodes but we are still running 1.1.x. In the meantime, until 1.2 is released, we’ll use static pods.

Repeat the following steps on every node where you wan’t to collect logs:

$ mkdir -p /etc/logstash-forvarder/certs && mkdir /etc/logstash-forvarder/config
$ # Copy the CA certificate that was used to create the logstash cert.
$ cp ca.crt /etc/logstash-forvarder/certs

Create the logstash-forwarder.conf in /etc/logstash-forvarder/config:

  "network": {
    "servers": [
    "timeout": 15,
    "ssl ca": "/logstash-forwarder/certs/ca.crt"
  "files": [
      "paths": [
      "fields": {"type": "syslog"}

Create the logstash-forwarder static pod file logstash-forwarder.json:

  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "metadata": {
        "name": "logstash-forwarder",
        "image": "larmog/logstash-forwarder:2.2.0",
        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
        "command": [
        "securityContext": {
          "privileged": true
          "name": "certs",
          "mountPath": "/logstash-forwarder/certs"
          "name": "config",
          "mountPath": "/logstash-forwarder/config"
          "name": "syslog",
          "mountPath": "/var/log/syslog"
    "volumes": [
        "name": "certs",
        "hostPath": {
          "path": "/etc/logstash-forwarder/certs"
        "name": "config",
        "hostPath": {
          "path": "/etc/logstash-forwarder/config"
        "name": "syslog",
        "hostPath": {
          "path": "/var/log/syslog"

Copy the file to the manifest directory. In Kubernetes-On-ARM there located here:

  • On the master: /etc/kubernetes/static-pods/master
  • On workers: /etc/kubernetes/static-pods/worker

The kubelet will pick up the static pod definition as soon as the file is copied to the manifets directory. Run docker ps|grep logstash-forwarder:2.2.0 on the node, and you should see the container running.

And we are done! The logstash-forwarder starts processing events and if you look at the container log, you should see something similar:

$ docker logs -f 8c4a3ba3f3e9
2016/03/11 15:13:41.575130 Registrar: processing 1024 events
2016/03/11 15:13:55.862568 Registrar: processing 1024 events
2016/03/11 15:14:01.671923 Registrar: processing 1024 events
2016/03/11 15:14:02.889663 Registrar: processing 256 events

To sum up

We have created a elasticsearch cluster for storing logs, and logstashfor processing incoming logs. We’ve also setup kibana for searching and visualizing. On our nodes we have installed logstash-forwarder, to send all /var/log/syslog events to logstash, using the lumberjack protocol.

In the next part in this series we will investigate how we can forward stdout and stderr from our containers to logstash. As always, I hope you picked up something new and found it worth while reading.

Docker images

All images are built from Pauls with generated Dockerfile:s for armhf. The Java base image for elasticsearch is larmog/armhf-alpine-java


13 Mar 2016 #Development #Docker #Kubernetes #Raspberry PI #Elasticsearch #Logstash #Kibana #ARM